The link presented on this page will take you to one of my favorite websites, Amillennialism: Living the Millennium Today. My good friend Shawn McGrath created it a couple of years ago, and I am pleased to report that it has received many, many visitors, not a few from brethren living in distant lands. It’s a tremendous resource for the study of eschatology; I hope you will visit often, and encourage your friends to do the same.

Most, but not all, of the the charts, diagrams, and timelines you will find on this page I created when I wrote The High King of Heaven. There’s quite a number of them; so if a picture is worth a thousand words, get ready to wrestle with a little book!

I want again to thank my young friend and colleague, Leah Lehr, who helped me prepare these materials. I hope her labors, and mine, will bless many all around the world as they seek to hone their understanding of the soon coming return of the High King of Heaven!


Charts, Diagrams, and Timelines from the High King of Heaven