As many of you know, I recently published a book on eschatology, called The High King of Heaven (Winepress, 2013). Happily, I just received about a dozen copies, so I’ve had the pleasure of actually holding the book in my hands.

Unhappily, Winepress Publishing just went out of business, and that is no pleasure at all!

The story is a long and interesting one, but I will not burden you with it here. Suffice it to say that I have been looking diligently for a new publisher, and feel myself fairly close to choosing one. It will, however, be at a least a month or two before the book is back in print again.

So, if any of you would like a digital copy of The High King of Heaven, I would be happy to send it to you at no charge, though contributions to the ministry of Come Let Us Reason are always welcome. To request a copy, just email me at

I should also mention that my two other Winepress Books (The Test, and In Search of the Beginning) are still available through Amazon and Barnes and Noble. However, if the distributors run out, you may contact me about these books as well.

Thanks for your interest in the ministry of Come Let Us Reason. 

P.S. I was so grateful that the HKOH received this generous endorsement by Dr. Sam Storms:—-4


Yes, it HAS been awhile since the last post!

The good news–and a big reason for the neglect of my blog–is that The High King of Heaven, has been published at long last (click HERE to view it at Amazon).

Also at long last, and as promised months ago, is Part 2 of my study in the Revelation (available HERE). Dealing as it does with the structure and symbolism of the entire prophecy, this essay covers quite a bit of ground, so brace yourself. I trust, however, that all who wade into it will at least find it stimulating, and hopefully most edifying.

As ever, I am eager to hear your thoughts.

And may the High King of heaven richly bless you and yours in the new year ahead!


NOTE: This is the first of three posts dealing with the Revelation. My goal in the first two is to pave the way for a third, in which we’ll look together at what may be the most difficult chapter in the whole Bible: Revelation 20, John’s vision of the 1000 year reign of Christ. As you’ll soon see, I like to think of the Revelation as the Grand Finale of All Scripture. I hope and pray these humble preludes will enable you to hear and enjoy that special music as never before.


The Revelation: Purpose and Literary Genre

 At the beginning of our journey, we identified three fundamental flashpoints of controversy in the Great End Time Debate: The Kingdom of God, the Millennium, and the Consummation. Happily, our close study of the Kingdom supplied welcome insights into the other two.

For example, having learned that the Kingdom enters the world in two simple stages—the Kingdom of the Son (i.e., the heavenly, mediatorial reign of Christ) followed by the Kingdom of the Father (i.e., the glorious World to Come)—we realized that the thousand years of Revelation 20 cannot be a third, intermediate stage of the Kingdom sandwiched between the other two, as premillennarians assert.

Similarly, having learned that the two stages of the Kingdom are separated by a single Consummation at the Parousia of Christ, we realized that the Consummation cannot be fragmented into multiple comings, resurrections, and judgments, as premillennarians also assert.

Thus, our study of NT teaching about the Kingdom of God has gone far towards resolving the End Time Debate in favor of the classic amillennial view of Salvation History.

It remains, however, for us to probe Revelation 20 itself. If it does not describe a future millennial reign of Christ on earth, what exactly does it describe? If, as I have suggested along the way, it is actually speaking of  the Kingdom of the Son, is there anything in the Revelation broadly, or in Revelation 20 itself, to support this view? Our purpose in the posts ahead is to find out.

Let us begin then by getting a feel for the Revelation as a whole. In particular, let us see if there is anything in the purpose, literary genre, and structure of the book that will help us better understand the Millennium of Revelation 20.

(To read the rest of this essay, please click here)

NOTE: This essay is an appendix from my forthcoming book, The High King of Heaven: Discovering the Master Keys to the Great End Time Debate. For further explanation of the ideas found in the essay, please see the book, and also some of the writings previously posted on this blog.


Many premillennarians confidently assert that the creation of the modern nation of Israel in 1948 was a fulfillment of biblical prophecy. Dispensationalist Thomas Ice says it this way:

There are dozens of biblical passages that predict an end-time regathering of Israel back to her land . . . I believe that modern Israel is a divine work and is in the process of fulfilling Bible prophecy. I believe that Israel, as she is constituted today, is a work of God in progress, preparing the nation for the Tribulation, which will lead to her national conversion, the second coming of Christ, and His millennial reign.1

These words invite careful—very careful—reflection. Certainly all Bible believing Christians would agree with Ice that the creation of the modern nation/state of Israel is a “divine work,” since Scripture clearly teaches that God, by his providence, creates every nation of the sons of Adam, having predetermined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation (Acts 17:26). But is it true that dozens of OT Kingdom prophecies predict this latter-day return of the Jews to Palestine? In God’s sight, are these unbelieving Jews (who make up the vast majority of the modern of Israel) still his people, his “Israel”? In God’s sight, is Palestine still their land? And is God really preparing modern Israel for a seven-year Tribulation, national conversion, the second Coming of Christ, and the inauguration of a millennial reign centered in (a supernaturally transformed) Palestine?

In the body of this book, I have addressed these questions at length. Since, however, many Christians believe that the creation of the modern Israeli state lends credence to premillennial scenarios, a brief review is in order.

Read More

The essay linked to this post is an excerpt from my forthcoming book, The High King of Heaven: Discovering the Master Keys to the Great End Time Debate. In essence, the book is a defense of amillennial eschatology.

Now according to amillennarians, when God gave his OT saints prophecies of a coming Kingdom, he was pleased to use language and imagery drawn from the Mosaic Law to speak mystically of spiritual blessings that he would introduce under the New Covenant. In other words, he used veiled, typological language to predict the simple, two-staged spiritual Kingdom that Christ would create when he instituted the New Covenant by his blood.

Needless to say, our premillennarian brothers object to this thesis. They say that it makes God a liar, since God surely knew that his OT saints would receive these OT Kingdom prophecies literally, precisely as we should.

The essay posted here seeks to address this very reasonable objection.

As usual, comments and criticisms are welcome.