The essay linked to this post is an excerpt from my forthcoming book, The High King of Heaven: Discovering the Master Keys to the Great End Time Debate. In essence, the book is a defense of amillennial eschatology.
Now according to amillennarians, when God gave his OT saints prophecies of a coming Kingdom, he was pleased to use language and imagery drawn from the Mosaic Law to speak mystically of spiritual blessings that he would introduce under the New Covenant. In other words, he used veiled, typological language to predict the simple, two-staged spiritual Kingdom that Christ would create when he instituted the New Covenant by his blood.
Needless to say, our premillennarian brothers object to this thesis. They say that it makes God a liar, since God surely knew that his OT saints would receive these OT Kingdom prophecies literally, precisely as we should.
The essay posted here seeks to address this very reasonable objection.
As usual, comments and criticisms are welcome.