
Almost weekly the Press Democrat gives us articles seeking to normalize the homosexual lifestyle. We read of homosexual marriages, youth groups, activists, artists, and even churches. The writers seem to assume that publishing such material reflects true compassion for homosexuals. Their unspoken premise is that homosexuals will find happiness as soon our community is “enlightened” enough to abandon its homophobia and welcome gays and lesbians as normal members of the family of man.

But these assumptions are wrong. Why? Because homosexuality is not merely contrary to society’s norms, but to the very basis of those norms: nature and nature’s God.

We all know this is true. Do not mere anatomy and biology teach us that homosexual intercourse is unnatural, especially since it is so clearly divorced from the very possibility of procreation? What if everyone opted for this “alternative?” Should not all people–homosexuals included–fear such a prospect?

More important, however, is the spiritual side of the question. As with their bodies, so with their psyches: Male and female are different yet complementary. Accordingly, men and women are drawn to each other, not only for the life-giving ecstasy of physical union, but for the life-giving wholeness of spiritual union–one which, by the way, reflects the holy spiritual union between Christ and His Bride, the Church (Ephesians 5). Now if all this is true, are we really serving homosexuals by advocating an unnatural alternative?

Suppose that the Press Democrat were to succeed. Suppose we all agreed that homosexuality is normal. Would homosexuals finally be happy? No, because happiness does not depend upon our aligning ourselves with society; it depends upon our aligning ourselves with our Creator and his revealed will (Genesis 1-2). As in all questions of morality, so here: We are really playing to an audience of One.

So then, who loves the homosexual? Is it those who acquiesce to their misguided desires for unlawful and unfulfilling sexual relations? Or is it those who have the wisdom and courage to tell them the truth? To tell them that God understands our sexual brokenness (for we all are broken sexually), but that in Christ he is calling us to the good way and to the unspeakable joy of walking in it?

In Christian Love,

Dean Davis, June, 1993